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Тибетский мастиф теряет свой блеск в Китае (статьи)

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China Focus: Tibetan Mastiff loses its shine in China

Jan 29,2015
by Xinhua writer Cheng Lu

LHASA, Jan. 29 (Xinhua) -- In addition to a Lamborghini, a Tibetan Mastiff was once the accessory of choice for rich Chinese to flaunt their wealth. But the ancient breed seems to be losing its glamour as the trend subsides.

The change is most evident to people like Luo Yi, 47, who once owned five mastiff breeding farms on the outskirts of Lhasa, capital city of southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region.

After Luo amassed a fortune in the home appliances, he decided to start a Tibetan Mastiff breeding farm in 2002.

His farms, which were home to around 600 mastiff hounds, reached peak profitability between 2007 and 2012, when a pure-bred adult mastiff cost up to 800,000 yuan (about 131,000 U.S. dollars).

With dropping demand in 2013, Luo kept only 300 mastiff hounds, slashed five farms to three, and dismissed one third of his workers.

"Sales began to decline in the latter half of 2013. I need to spend 15,000 yuan on them every day and fail to make profits," he said.

According to data released by the regional Tibetan Mastiff Association, Tibet had 95 breeding farms, which could sell nearly 10,000 mastiff dogs, before 2012. Now only 66 farms survive with 3,000 of the exotic breed sold last year.

Another report released by the Qinghai Tibetan Mastiff Association showed that the number of breeding farms in the province was decreased to 1,000 now from 3,000 before 2012. Yearly mastiff trade volume has dropped to 50 million yuan from 200 million yuan at its peak.

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is not the only location experiencing a "Tibetan Mastiff bubble".

Wang Zhankui, chief of a Tibetan Mastiff research center in central China's Henan Province, said 90 percent of breeding farms outside the plateau are losing money. Nearly two thirds of them have already closed.

The shaggy, lion-like mastiff, native to Tibet and neighboring Qinghai Province, were traditionally used as shepherds and watchdogs by herders and known for a loyal but fierce disposition.

The Tibetan Mastiff craze began sweeping China in the 1990s. In addition to stocks and real estate, they became preferred pets and investment options for the country's rich. The trade was a boon for related industries such as mastiff feed producers, dog shows and exhibitions.

As interest in the breed surged, so did its price.

Media reported that a reddish brown pure-bred mastiff was sold for 10 million yuan to a Chinese coal baron in 2011.

Driven by profits, the number of breeders skyrocketed, leading to an over-production of Mastiff puppies. Many are highly inbred and of questionable quality, which may threaten the species' very existence in the long run and damage the reputation of the industry, said Wang Yonggang, chief of Tibetan Mastiff Association in Tibet.

The cold front striking the mastiff industry can also be attributed to strict regulations against large dogs in cities, Wang Zhankui said. Cases of Tibetan Mastiff pets injuring or killing family members and passersby are occasionally reported.

"In this way, people in downtown areas of cities including Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin have been banned from raising Tibetan Mastiffs," he said.

China's ongoing anti-corruption drive has also taken its toll, Wang said.

Considered a symbol of fortune and status, the dogs became a fashionable gift from businessmen to officials in addition to cash and luxuries.

"But now businessmen don't dare to buy it. Even if they do, the officials won't accept it," Luo Yi revealed.

Following the bursting bubble, Wang Yonggang said the risky Tibetan Mastiff industry will be back to normal with more efforts on reproducing high-quality breeds and improving breeding skills.

Some breeders are looking to new profitable careers in agriculture and construction fields, while some others choose to hold their ground.

"I love to stay with the mastiff dogs, and won't give up regardless of how low the price is," Luo Yi said. "What should be stopped is people's modern-craze for this holy animal."

(Xinhua correspondents Liu Hongming from Tibet and Li Linhai from Qinghai contribute to the report.)

http://www.shanghaidaily.com/article/ar … ?id=265944


Информация, которая заставляет задуматься. Китай насытился тибетами... Получили перепроизводство. Избавляются массово от тибетов.
Вот к чему привела кричащая реклама стоимости культовых собак и статусной показухи содержания и разведения тибетов.
Раздутый показушный пузырь лопнул.... 
Интересно, какова судьба тех собак, количество которых с падением спроса просто взяли и "сократили"?



Этого следовало ожидать. Произошло намного быстрее! Еще в прошлом году на семинаре в Китае говорили об этой ПРОБЛЕМЕ! Собаки китайского разведения не пользуются спросом, их продают на "мясо" .........  Средняя цена китайской собаки(названной тибетским мастифом) 300 долларов ( цена прошлого года) . А что сейчас происходит остается лишь догадываться....



y Синьхуа писатель Cheng Lu
ЛХАСА, Ян. 29 (Синьхуа) - в дополнение к Lamborghini, Тибетский мастиф был когда-то аксессуар выбора для богатых китайцев, чтобы выставлять напоказ свое богатство. Но древние породы, похоже, теряет свое очарование, как тенденция спадает.
Изменение наиболее очевидно такие люди, как Luo Yi, 47, который когда-то принадлежал пять мастиф животноводческих ферм на окраине Лхасы, столицы юго-западе Китая, в тибетском автономном районе.
После того, как Ло сколотил состояние в бытовая техника, он решил начать Тибетский мастиф племенной фермы в 2002 году.
Его хозяйств, в которых проживали около 600 мастифов, борзых, достиг пика доходности между 2007 и 2012, когда породистого взрослого мастифа стоимость до 800 000 юаней (около 131 000 американских долларов).
При снижении спроса в 2013 году, Luo хранятся только 300 мастифов, борзых, полоснул пять хозяйств-три, и уволил треть его работников.
"Продаж начали снижаться во второй половине 2013 года. Мне нужно потратить 15 000 юаней на них каждый день и не получать прибыль", - сказал он.
Согласно данным, опубликованным региональным Тибетский мастиф ассоциации, в Тибете не было 95 племенных хозяйств, которые могли бы продать около 10 000 мастиффа, до 2012 года. Сейчас только 66 хозяйств выжить-3000 экзотической породы, проданных в прошлом году.
Другой отчет, публикуемый Цинхай тибетского Мастифа Ассоциацией, показали, что количество племенных хозяйств в провинции была снижена до 1000 сейчас от 3000 до 2012 года. Ежегодно мастиф объем торгов упал до 50 млн. юаней от 200 млн. юаней на пике.
Цинхай-тибетского плато-это не только место переживает "Тибетский мастиф "пузырь".
Wang Zhankui, главный Тибетский мастиф-исследовательский центр в центральной китайской провинции Хэнань, сказал 90% племенных хозяйств за пределами плато теряют деньги. Почти две трети из них уже закрыты.
Лохматый, похож на Льва мастиф, родом из Тибета и соседних провинции Цинхай, традиционно использовались как пастухи и сторожевые псы, пастухи и известный на лояльного, но свирепый нрав.
Тибетский мастиф увлечение начал подметать Китай в 1990-х годах. Помимо акций и недвижимости, они стали привилегированные домашних животных и инвестиционные возможности для богатого. Торговля была благом для смежных отраслях, таких как мастиф производители кормов, выставках и выставках.
Как интерес к породе выросла, так же его цена.
СМИ сообщали, что красновато-коричневый чистокровных мастиф был продан за 10 млн. юаней на китайской угольной барон в 2011 году.
Движет прибыль, количество заводчиков взлетела, ведущих к чрезмерной производство щенки Мастифа. Многие высоко инбредных и сомнительного качества, которые могут угрожать вида существования в долгосрочной перспективе и нанести ущерб репутации отрасли, - сказал Wang Yonggang), главный Тибетский мастиф ассоциации в Тибете.
Холодный фронт поражает мастиф отрасли также можно отнести строгие правила в отношении крупных собак в городах, Wang Zhankui сказал. Случаях тибетского Мастифа домашних животных, калеча или убивая членов семьи и прохожие иногда сообщается.
"Таким образом, люди, что в центральных районах городов, включая Пекин, Шанхай и Тяньцзинь have been banned from повышение тибетские Мастифы", - сказал он.
В Китае продолжается борьба с коррупцией также сказывается, - рассказал Ван.
Считается символом удачи и статус, собак стал модным подарок от бизнесменов до чиновников, помимо денежных и роскоши.
"Но теперь бизнесмены не решаются купить. Даже если они это сделают, чиновники не примут," Luo Yi выявлено.
После того как лопнул пузырь, Wang Yonggang сказал рискованно Тибетский мастиф промышленность вернется к нормальному с больше усилий на воспроизведение высокого качества пород и совершенствование племенных навыки.
Некоторые заводчики ищут новые прибыльные карьеры в сельском хозяйстве и в строительстве, в то время как некоторые другие выбрать, чтобы удерживать свои позиции.
"Я люблю, чтобы остаться с мастиффами и не сдаваться независимо от того, как низкая цена," Luo Yi сказал. "Каким должен быть остановлен, это люди современные-увлечение для этого Священного животного."
(Корреспонденты Синьхуа Лю Хунмин из Тибета и Li Линьхай от Цинхай способствовать отчет.)
http://www.shanghaidaily.com/article/ar ... ?id=265944



Ну слава Богу, дожили до спада......




После такого искусственно раздутого ажиотажа вокруг породы, спад был неизбежен. Можно конечно радоваться...Новость  хорошая. Наконец-то дождались.
Однако, то наследство, что принесли в породу сомнительного качества производители из Поднебесной, думаю оставили свой след надолго. В России так точно.



Еще одна статья о взлете и падении Тибетских мастифов в Китае...


Sadly, whenever a certain breed becomes part of a cultural fad, the consequences are often swift, steep, and long-lasting for the integrity of the line as a whole.


by: Timothy Dunn
Date: April 11, 2016
Warning: This post contains graphic content that may not be suitable for all readers.

Over the last four years, one of the world's largest breeds—if not the largest—saw an equally large popularity explosion in China. After gaining prominence in Chinese luxury markets as symbols of wealth and cultural heritage, prices for the Tibetan mastiff soared to astronomical levels.

At one point in 2014, a golden purebred puppy was sold for 12 million yuan (which translates to about 1.9 million U.S. Dollars). According to an AP report, the puppy was bought at a luxury pet expo in the eastern coastal province of Zhejiang, and the purchase is believed to be the largest single dog sale in modern history, eclipsing the previous record set by Red Splash, a red Tibetan mastiff who was sold for 10 million yuan at another expo in 2011.

Zangao - http://s9.uploads.ru/H9bSj.jpg

But, for China's Tibetan mastiff breeders, the last few years have been both the best of times and the worst of times. Quite a few Tibetan mastiffs sold at values equaling hundreds of thousands of dollars, and a number of the sales surpassed the million dollar mark.

However, as the spotlight started to fade on the breed in China, and Tibetan Mastiffs began to be seen as out of vogue among the wealthy businessmen who had been purchasing them at such high costs, and many of the breeders who had invested enormous amounts of money in their dogs with hopes of becoming rich began struggling to break even.


Sadly, whenever a certain breed becomes part of a cultural fad, the consequences are often swift, steep, and long-lasting for the integrity of the line as a whole. Many become breeders simply because they see the potential for huge profits.

But due to the enormous amounts of money that convinced many novice breeders to hop on to the Tibetan mastiff craze, the downfall of the breed has been one of the most heartbreaking and costly in history.

Perhaps there is no clearer example of the Tibetan mastiff's sharp fall from grace than the horrific scene a number of Beijing-based animal rights activists found when they stopped a truck that was holding a large number of dogs and other creatures as cargo. The activists laid in the street to force the driver to stop, and what they found inside was like something from a nightmare.

Among the 150 dogs forced into the truck's tiny cages were 20 Tibetan mastiffs heading for the slaughterhouse. It appeared as though the dogs had been without food or water for days, and many suffered serious injuries, including broken bones.


If the activists had not intervened, the dogs would have been skinned for leather, broken down, and sold as hotpot ingredients. In a shocking turn of events, the same breed that had sold for over a million dollars only one year prior was now being bought by butchers for a value of around five dollars.

What went so incredibly wrong that a breed once placed in a prominent position in Chinese culture would eventually come to be treated like refuse and sold for scraps? It seems that the breakneck, boom-to-bust nature of the Tibetan mastiff breeding scene in China was the result of two main factors: the pursuit of absurd breed purchases stoked by a fad at its zenith, and a political crackdown focused on weeding out corrupt government officials.

The unsustainable success of the industry became so inflated in such a short period that it inevitably led to a sudden burst, leaving many breeding opportunists stuck with kennels full of dogs that, according to a New York Times interview with a troubled Qinghai breeder named Gombo from last spring, can require around $50 to $60 per day for food alone.


Those costs, coupled with some of the more insane attempts by breeders to beautify their mastiffs through facelifts and silicone injections, parted many opportunistic breeders with large sums of money and left them with no return on their sizable investments.

The inflated market value of Tibetan mastiffs didn't just grab the attention of businessmen hoping to strike it rich as breeders, however. In a move that certainly hastened the downfall of the Chinese Tibetan mastiff trade, Chinese authorities tasked with finding and apprehending corrupt politicians began to view Tibetan mastiff ownership as a red flag for unethical practices.

Since Tibetan mastiff ownership was seen as a status symbol in China during the height of the breed's popularity, some business-minded individuals were allegedly bribing government officials with the dogs in exchange for political support and protection. Naturally, when the authorities came down hard on government officials whose lifestyles appeared overly extravagant, the nervous politicians wanted nothing to do with Tibetan mastiffs. When the breed lost its strategic value as a tool for bribery, interest in the outrageously priced dogs declined.


Unfortunately, the Tibetan mastiff stands to lose the most as a result of the breed's disastrous descent. From living in lavish homes to languishing in cramped cages on a ride toward their final destination, it will probably take years to see the true damage that has been done to this once-beloved and revered breed.

The dog catapulted into stardom partly because of its unmistakable looks, but since the breed has been damaged and diluted by irresponsible breeders, there's no way of knowing if the Tibetan mastiff will be able to bounce back at some point in the future. There's little doubt that the world would seem a bit smaller and less fantastical without these noble, lion-maned, gargantuan dogs in it, but if authorities and concerned citizens do not act soon to protect the integrity of the Tibetan mastiff breed, that smaller, duller world may eventually become a sad reality.

источник: http://everydog.us/blog/2016/april/11/t … n-mastiff/


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